Tuesday 12 April 2016

Coming Up

                                    Next Blog Coming Up 

How Food Unites ! ! That Foodie Feeling In us all 

( Image source - Google images
By That time check Out My all new Foodie emojis !! For One such Comment Below and follow
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( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot ) 

( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot ) 

( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot ) 

For One such Comment Below and follow for you and and your Loved Ones :) 
Thank You 

Making Influence on social sites with your creations

For a Chef aspirant it's really important That his or Her Food should not only be tasty but should also be appealing.
His Or Her Food stuffs should  literally speak Up with his or her presentation .
Many do it for self satisfaction, some do it for making their families happy and impressed but most do it For attracting round full Globe of Foodies through social media so that any How we get Opportunities even bigger to express and to fulfill our Dreams.
Even i created something Last night , Though the click May not be that attractive but You Got To try Every a Bit of Yours to present It well .
Indian Curry Pulao (rice) with Hint Of Garam Masala ( Hot Spice blend) with Cucumber , Lemon Green Chilies and Tomatoes salad 
( Image source - Exclusively Foodie's stop
For every a Bit here are some tips To start  
  1. Make sure That You Have good knowledge of whatever you are Cooking Because Blindly Copying The recipe written on The recipe book Can never help You Nor It Will ever Gain Interest of your Viewers as The same they can even surf From This vast world of Internet . Hence be true to you yourself and then your Viewers and make sure you surf Lot and Understand what each of your Ingredients in your dish says and what is its importance in your dish mix , so that people can very Much Know what They see is good  besides taste also. ( Image source - Google Images
  2. After You Know what You are Going To Cook make sure you choose the freshest produce and A1 quality Products and ingredients for you dish and if possible take help Of Micro Greens and other natural produces because the best garnish is made with Natural products which enhances the beauty of your dish Naturally. And we all  Know there is nothing Better than being Natural and genuine most things, Products and Produces  ;'). Make sure whatever you are making is not just For The sake of posting it online with mere help of editing but To Genuinely appeal Your audiences with something Good . REMEMBER - food speaks it all from its taste to its colors.

( Image source - Google images
3.  Haste is waste is an Old saying But best applied on you in Your kitchens while cooking. remember  The most mankind misses Today is slow cooked juicy , delicious food in this speedy life . Hence what's Important is you dedicating your time and energy to what you cook because that would not only help you with on going with perfect taste but will also enhance the colors of your dish thus making your presentation even more better and attracting lot more crowd on social networking sites for your posts .
4. Once cooked you got to have proper side appetizers or dishes whose taste is imaginable with the dish you are serving it with  and it  should seem perfect accompany to it . Also You Got To choose proper Plates and cutlery with contrasting colors with respect to your dish. Black Slates In This case works beautifully  with all sought.

( Image source - Google images

5. Last but Not The least The description  is apt most for it's related to How much you dedicated your  time to know what you made and How good it is . Its all up-to you how you describe it  

( Image source - Google images
If You Follow these 5 Tips with Good Clicking Skills and camera I bet You are The next star and Good Luck To you !!
Thank you 

Note to all The foodies

Since yesterday I had made this blog there have been a Lot controversy about it's header or as in it's  Title ( The incomplete batter of my cake ) now I therefore announce officially that this Blog will be know As FOODIE'S STOP where you will get a Daily dose From My Kitchen , my experiences as a  Foodie and My Journey of being a CHEF
I may Not be a Great writer but i believe that if We write or express it with heart that becomes More important and merrier to read.
My First 2 blogs are hard To relate with this one for many but believe me, writing about One of the key factors why always cool and fun loving foodie STRESS is obviously weight loss was really Important , Until they don't have a professional gym trainer or any proper weight loss schedules there be a Great problem and stress To Them 
Hence talking about weight loss was apt 
It's a New day though new Journeys to begin new experiences to come..... today's topic is Making Influence on social sites with your creations 
   ( Image source - Google

Weight Loss- The Mind devil

(P.S This Blog is all about personal Choices and perspectives. It Has No Intention to hurt personal/communal/societal feelings.
Its all For recreational purposes for both writer and readers
Thank You)
For any Complaint\views\thought\query email me at - Ritika.mcs.chd@gmail.com

Started My Day with Lemon Rice thinking about That Goodness Of lemon would at least Become a Good factor in My Dieting Plan avoiding the fattening Factor of Boiled and Drained Rice .
It's Not The first Time I thought Of losing my weight rather I should say that It's again I am planning It Give up.

( Pic Source - Google )
Almost every Girl On This yet another fat object as In Our Globe ( *sarcastic ) thinks about Losing weight every second .... Not That I am very precised but I Know Because even I get jealous ed By Shakira's perfect Booty and Moves , also I get jealous when slim Girls flaunt Their awesome*  fits (joke) .
everyone get Jealous and that's awesomely Okay and If you are Somewhere Or else ashamed of it
Jealousy is one that Factor That is very Important For every Human on This earth as its ONLY Self provoking\boosting factor that can Help You beat all odds.
It's perfectly Okay If you get jealous every second when u see that Sexy ( Girl) or Dapper (boy)
beside you But Only That You need to check it everyday whether that jealousy takes you Too proper way Or it's upto eating Up your and other person's future
In This Blog I won't write those Tips about How to get Slim and all Those STUPID stuffs Me and You surf about On Internet, magazines etc. But would readily Talk about How i Deal with that WANNA BE slim and Fit Feeling
For Foodahaolic people it's next to impossible To think about SLIMING  ( not there is No Such word In dictionary)
In such Case Just remember people may Taunt your Habits but at That very Point what is Important is SMILING 
Food Is Life and Life is Food is Indeed among st Your Favorite Mantra But For a Change Think On Going On a Long Yet adventurous Vacation where you Totally live differently of what YourLife was Before ( FOOD) and Exercise a Little

Take a Break Buddy 

( Photos source - Google Images 
Editing- Exclusively My Incomplete Cake batter Blog writer

Also Remember. It's a vacation so No STRESS 

(Photo Source - Google Images )
For who Suffer some disease and are Doctoral suggested To Lose weight 
Guys People Beat Up with Cancer COME ON 
You are still Obese 
Once I Was Asthmatic and Doctor Told My Mom to Not To Cry In front Of me whenever I get an attack he told us strictly Stay POSITIVE in Front Of me 
And believe me today I Walk Free , Jump Free and air PUFFS is a  BIG NO to me 
If That physician would had Not Told my Mom To Stay Calm and Positive I Don't Know If i was actually ALIVE even To write this PIECE of inspiration
In short 

( Image Source - Google Images

 Is that Very Thing That Can Make Tables Turn , Even If you are Told you are Not Healthy Tell Or Train YourMind and SHOUT IT OUT LOUD 
Roar It Out Loud and then See all The Negativity around you , Your Disease will Go Back and Good Days will Happily Come back 
At last I would just Say That Weight Loss Was No Big Deal But This WORLD Made It really Big and a ROCKET science like TASK and TALK 
Burn Them all Out 

( Gif. source - Giphy.com )  

Eat Less
Dance Lot

Thanks .