Sunday 3 July 2016

Foodie Parties. Ft. Era isterfi,Rihanna,SWAAY and many.

Okay I Know it's been like too late of even late of me writing my this Blog. But The foodie world outside had so much for me that I couldn't restrain that magnetic effect of beautiful aromas and flavors down different and beautiful lanes.
Last Topic that was updated was basically the major differences between major cuisines but what I feel is that  uniqueness is the cuisine is worth exploration than simply typing it down. So For sure this wish of mine would be prime on my list and I wish that my life schedule gets this one fulfilled soon.
So Basically Today we'll be talking about PARTIES that ain't sound real but totally fanatic and A Foodie's love sought.
Well before I Start what does strike your mind with the word PARTY

OFF COURSE  For 99.9% people the answer for this would be MUSIC.DANCE.FOOD
And for a foodie like if Dance is stroked off  it may not matter much but Food is must.
So for the  Foodies round the world like me introducing the Idea behind the Best Foodie Party which Says
FUSIC  where food is Music and music is food.
So Basically the title may not suggest even a bit of what it actually means. But it's actually Fun When in this party you'll be playing a particular Music and ask your friends to dance on the music until they don't guess the name of the dish with the hint from the music,that's going to served next.
For Example
You Play a Song, say
 1.Bonbon By Era Isterfi ( Link given below )
Which has a lot Bonbon in it which basically suggests the the basic bonbon flavored coffee.  Hence this Party yet rocking and trending music will keep up to your foodie charm in your FUSIC party.

2. Next may sound really simple but the crazy task would be to identify what flavor cake it was. I know By now many of you would have guessed the name of the song but yes who haven't yet for them, YES !! It's Cake by the ocean - By SWAAY  ( Link Given Below )
Now the party just won't be about audio guessing but for real fanatics it will be fun if it's visual guessing  too. In this music Video if you look carefully the cake is strawberry cum vanilla flavored. So VOILA more to the guessing part and double is the fun , for till the time one doesn't guess the music and the party won't get over ;) .

3. Third will be DAMM!! Tricky For it's all about visuals and not even about the audio, lyrics or anything else that makes up a good music. WELL.
 It's WORK - By Rihanna Ft. Drake. ( Link Given Below )
WOHHH.... Confused right?? But If you see the video carefully it has twice shown a lady chef making juicy steak on smoking charcoal.
Don't agree then watch it here-
(See From 2:00)
And Here are the smoking stake Visuals from the same

                 The Lady Chef 

Smoking Charcoal
& At Last the Steak.
Hahahahah Bewildered right ?? But these may be small details for many but for my foodie friends out there I Know it would have been not gone unnoticed.
4. Last But Not the least and may be hardest in on the blockbuster Charts Currently 
Justin Timberlake's- Can't stop the feeling
Hahahah Now if you remember the music video had some of the most Gala faces in it but there was one who would had attracted every foodie for a sought. HMMM.... Guess Guess.
Well This was the man who was in Video Named GALEN who seemed working for Handy's Doughnut and that's so YUMMY ;)  Making Delicious Roundels for life.


 So isn't that ridiculously cunning from a Foodie's side and sight. If Yes !! Then will love to know your idea behind our FUSIC parties-  where music is food and food is music.
If You Like the Idea and the matter please do let us know and comment below for more. Till then Keep safe and keep Partying and eating 
Regards and love.