Wednesday 19 June 2019

Shit happened! But am back again!

So honestly it's been almost 2 years that I haven't updated this blog.  Call it a lack of interest in life and food or call it may be a busy lifestyle,  but I surely went a bit off track on this one for sure. 
Food is life and food is soul but over these 24 months I realized that when things are not right you may start hating your food too! Lucky are we to have chance to nurture upon good food and having a ample chances to choose our choice and influence others for more and extend this community. Hence keep growing,  keep moving and keep loving food and cooking
BIG THINGS have surely happened with me and I am so excited to share my experiences with you all. So see you soon with a big announcement. 💕💋
P. S this article is pretty basic but more fun stuff is coming soon.! Dont forget to check my other articles posted earlier.