Friday 29 April 2016

Major Differences in Major Cuisines ( Part II )

                                 AMERICAN  AND   BRITISH 

Now this is not about the monopoly between these two cuisines about which is  more healthier or more oilier and all that stuffs which makes us feel pretty much like a guilt foodie bird but about the major Differences between these two cuisines so that next time you visit a British restaurant or a American restaurant you can very much differentiate  between dishes you have been served.

As per Our knowledge after the vast cultivation In the US  about  150,000-square-mile area, encompassing the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and neighboring sections of Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, there was little rainfall, light soil, and high winds which brought potentially destructive combination leading to devastating effects thereafter. When drought struck from 1934 to 1937, the soil lacked the stronger root system of grass as an anchor, so    was the birth of the great    American Dust Bowl. This piece of history tells us lot about  affected  american food and cuisine .  There were no greens left actually But today in Modern America We Too Got Lot many Of them but what we see more Dominance of Bread  way more than anything !! Wheat In Your Burgs , Corn Meal and breads is the best a cuisine has to offer. Moreover the lifestyle Of American people is way more different from those in Great Britain. People are super Busy and they Depend on basically on quick and easy available s STREET FOOD , Burgers, fries , Hot dogs  Muffins etc. That are always In Hot demand.

American Delights 

Great Britain has To offer a Large variety of Food !! Not because it's melting pot of cultures but yet again the mystery lies in it's HISTORY !! Popularly Known as Empire Food In the country is actually the blend of different cuisines of those countries which have been once been ruled by the very state !! Namely India and south Africa thus a lot people in Britain are fond of of Chicken tikka that is yet again an Indian Dish. Much influence of tinned beans,sausages and much more comes from their slave trade from South Africa History !! Here people posses royalty in each their move and even the tea culture here means a lot to stay calm and enjoy slow yet beautiful royal lives. People sit back waiting for slow cooked meats , gravies , potatoes etc.

 WE STILL LOVE BOTH !! Isn't it Guys !! 
End of Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coming Up next Difference between Spanish and Italian cuisine 
Till Then Take care and Stay Tuned 


Watch Out For our next Blog soon .... other day