Wednesday 13 April 2016

Food Unites Us

                                                     (Image source - Google images )

As a Indian I always Have this feeling That It's the food we cook which is more into making up our bonds more stronger these days. As Mentioned before in one of my blog today's man crave for well cooked or as in Slow, juicy, wholesome and well cooked Meals. In This case whenever Time we people never hesitate to have Long Brunches , spicy Dinners and drinks and thus it becomes a Reason For us all To forget all our issues ,  our tensions and UNITE merrily.

( File source -
FOOD Not Only Gives Home Makers a Chance to Present Their Home making  Talents  In the food they present and the way They set and decorate house and table but also helps them to step out from they daily world they live in Just Cooking For needs with No appreciation at all , they get to talk and Cherish people and impressing desires. After all Unity stands for all.

                                                           ( Image source - Google Images)
Food makes Us feel the feeling Of oneness it brings us More closer , for what we eat can be other's favorite too. 
Here are some recipes that you can cook apart from normal routine menu for such beautiful and hearty meetings and meals 
  1. BRIYANI is always Ideal dishes for and in every Indian Home for treating both both taste Buds and your guests Like kings and queens BUT  for a Change Much Like Briyani TRY making JAMAICAN JAMBALYA .                                                                                                                          
    Cajun Style Jambalaya . Perfect Rice dish with mix of Cajun spices that can be beautifully substituted with Indian spices ( Garam Masala ) and Paprika  also Includes a Versatile mix of all sought of Sea food and meats ( For Indian Taste can also Include chicken , Please avoid use of mutton as it takes a lot Time to cook) 
  2. RAJMA ( red Beans preparation)  RICE is also ideal dish which every Indian bud craves For but For something New and for a Change  try BRAZILIAN FEJOIDA Preparation .                                  

       Black Red Bean preparation with sausages and other meats generally cooked for 2 hours with tomato paste and whole spices Life Bay leaf and black pepper and then tempered with oil , garlic and ginger . Served with White rice , orange slices , Chinese broccoli and Dusted with a Cassava Based preparation  Called Farofa. ( Brazil's National Dish)
  3. For snacking Try something new Not Like samosas , Manchurian etc etc.  Try steamed Mantu's Or dumplings from Pakistan region . A Perfect Light Dish Served with Chana dal preparation , yogurt and dried Mint Powder on Top.                                                                                                                  
    Spiced Meat ( Red Meat ) Or Vegetables stuffed In Wonton Wrappers and Then steamed for 15 minutes. Once done it's topped with Chana dal curry and yogurt with Sprinkle Of dried Mint Powder.
  4.  There is a Wide range of Desserts In whole world some are very Much Related To what we eat In India Like the Kulfi Falooda we eat here is Something That is Served in Persia Too , the kheer we make is very Much similar To what Mexicans prepare as rice pudding . And Much  More But For a Change try Chinese Mango Pudding . Really Easy and DAMM Healthy For      it's steaming Reason .                                                                                                                    
              Really easy recipe and all you need is 5 ingredients Mango Pulp . sugar , water , gelatin and Mango Ice cream . In This sugar is boiled in water along with gelatin till not dissolved and then As soon as Its Done In this Hot mix mango Ice-cream in poured and stir-ed Well thereafter Put some ice cubes and Mango Pulp pieces and let It freeze in cups for 30 Minutes and VOILA !! enjoy                                                                                                                                                                       Food Unites us :)  For a Change try them all and call up a Party Tonight ..... ;) Thanks                                                                                                                                                      Ritika Singh