Saturday 6 August 2016

Friendship makes food even better.

Eating meals alone and then eating them with someone you love makes a Great difference, that to when you eat it with with friends the feeling is both amazing and lethargic for first you feel special and noticed while eating with them and secondly lethargic because they don't leave any chance of you tasting your own tiffin even. It's an amazing feeling though because that bond just deepens with every gulp and flavor of the food you bring in your tiffin.

We may not ever be able to describe this joyous bond forever for it's meaning is much more than what may you read on Google or their dictionaries, but yes surely to strengthen this we may tell you various foodie tips and ways to make your recess time even more fun with your mates.
 Let's first know some tasty meals you can carry with you in boxes to eat with your mates ands cherish each moment.
  1. Honestly my mom is a pro in making French Croquettes it's as simple as a Parsi Cutlet may be but the crusting method differs it from all. It's ideal for you to carry in tiffin boxes with Some mustard sauce and ketchup may be and enjoy them with your buddies. 
  2. Thai Thai Nam tok is an easing meat stir fry spiced with red chilly paste and with a hint of roasted rice powder adding to it's texture and giving it a whole new dimension. You can stuff it in your sandwiches or simply role it in a Taco and then you are good to go. 
  3. Fried Chicken and Fries , something you'll not even left with a bit of it in your tiffin is ideal to celebrate this day for it's all time favorite. Though Vegetarians can substitute chicken with cheese sticks or tofu may be. 
  4. Mexican Fritatta. This egg based recipe is Ideal for Mom's who search for healthy yet tasty tiffin alternative. Stuff any crumble or veggie or anything you want and it will be star of the show oh.. I mean Tiffin ;)