Friday 29 April 2016

Major Differences in Major Cuisines ( Part II )

                                 AMERICAN  AND   BRITISH 

Now this is not about the monopoly between these two cuisines about which is  more healthier or more oilier and all that stuffs which makes us feel pretty much like a guilt foodie bird but about the major Differences between these two cuisines so that next time you visit a British restaurant or a American restaurant you can very much differentiate  between dishes you have been served.

As per Our knowledge after the vast cultivation In the US  about  150,000-square-mile area, encompassing the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and neighboring sections of Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, there was little rainfall, light soil, and high winds which brought potentially destructive combination leading to devastating effects thereafter. When drought struck from 1934 to 1937, the soil lacked the stronger root system of grass as an anchor, so    was the birth of the great    American Dust Bowl. This piece of history tells us lot about  affected  american food and cuisine .  There were no greens left actually But today in Modern America We Too Got Lot many Of them but what we see more Dominance of Bread  way more than anything !! Wheat In Your Burgs , Corn Meal and breads is the best a cuisine has to offer. Moreover the lifestyle Of American people is way more different from those in Great Britain. People are super Busy and they Depend on basically on quick and easy available s STREET FOOD , Burgers, fries , Hot dogs  Muffins etc. That are always In Hot demand.

American Delights 

Great Britain has To offer a Large variety of Food !! Not because it's melting pot of cultures but yet again the mystery lies in it's HISTORY !! Popularly Known as Empire Food In the country is actually the blend of different cuisines of those countries which have been once been ruled by the very state !! Namely India and south Africa thus a lot people in Britain are fond of of Chicken tikka that is yet again an Indian Dish. Much influence of tinned beans,sausages and much more comes from their slave trade from South Africa History !! Here people posses royalty in each their move and even the tea culture here means a lot to stay calm and enjoy slow yet beautiful royal lives. People sit back waiting for slow cooked meats , gravies , potatoes etc.

 WE STILL LOVE BOTH !! Isn't it Guys !! 
End of Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coming Up next Difference between Spanish and Italian cuisine 
Till Then Take care and Stay Tuned 


Watch Out For our next Blog soon .... other day 

Thursday 28 April 2016

Official announcement


Credits : Foodie's stop Creative spot 
For more such Edits , Food photography tips email us at :

Next blog coming up in 5 hours the " Major difference between worldly Known cuisines " ( part 2 )
American and British Food

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Major Differences in Major Cuisines ( Part I )

·         Indian Food is generally about vegetables based gravies , stews and bread accompanies while Pakistani dishes are basically about Red Meats which can be seen in their major dishes such as Haleem , briyani , Kofta etc.


·         In some Indian dishes it’s really main to put coriander in end whereas Mint has no that special importance on daily basis. While in Pakistan dried mint constitutes its important  dishes


  •        Briyani is not an Indian dish , it’s believed to be brought by Mughals  in our country.                                    

·         Gajar ka Halwa is also not From India it’very Much from Pakistan basically The northern region which was attached to our modern day PUNJAB before partition  hence we can today very much relate it to that state of Punjab.

                                                             But both the states stand United forever 
                                                                               and ever 
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Of Part One
Coming Up next 
Differences in American and British Food 
Stay Tuned 

Difference between Major Cuisines

Worldwide there would be always a confusion in Major Cuisines like Italian and Spanish , Indian and Pakistani\ Afghani , Chinese and Japaneses , Malaysian and Thai , Indonesian etc.
So Hence let's bring up a Change in our perspective as we bring you all new view of these Major Cuisines.
P.S Biggest blog Perspective as we Bring to you whole new dimension to know of what you eat 
Coming Up Next Week !! Till Then keep reading 

Saturday 23 April 2016

WHY Food trucks are ideal for Indian culture and why Indians got to inspire from Unites states in this case ?

Are Dream of every food loving person who dreams food , sees food and always wants Food to remain his\her's best friend forever. Food Trucks may not have that fancy spot to serve from but they are surely Mankind's creative most creation, for it's not only Food on wheels but also creative hot spots for every WANNA Be Chef , home maker who ought to make something different and off course delicious food  . From their Interior to exterior designs every single food truck round the world posses a uniqueness and masterpiece sought art.
Eastern world is still not that influenced by the idea of food trucks may be because of various Misconceptions and stereotypes. Like:-                                                                                   
  1. Many people in these countries think that eating on roadside is something for those people who can't afford good food and costly food that is served in restaurants. Hence for them it's a sought of disgrace.
  2. Some people think that  what roadside food trucks has to offer is all dirty and low quality food without even seeing or trying them (insane).
 3.   In some communities and also religiously food trucks and eating roadside food cooked by someone else is forbidden.
                                 But Now since world is changing and there is a lot change in our thinking the idea of food trucks is striking many creative minds in our states too but the deal comes how to give it a kick start and make it wildly rocking all over. And well here comes the five key points why we should take inspiration from United States to bring on the food truck revolution here in India as well .  
  • It's always not about a group start. I recommend you to see Eat street daily telecast ed On Fox Life Channel where young entrepreneurs and many share their stories of how they started with their very own food truck and whether what inspired them to open one , also you will get the idea of to start  a business along with sumptuous deals

  • Choose those dishes which may not be that fancy but real comfort food and sumptuously loaded with such stuffs which every Foodie tongue ever Craves for . For eg, cheese, potatoes, ketchup etc.             
  •  Once done with The menu its very Much important especially In Countries like India that the maintenance of the food trucks should be on Daily HOUR basis not even day basis !! Why I  say this is because its hour to hour that your customers increase or decrease , like for eg. In      basically afternoon time round 1 pm when all offices and other organisations have their lunch or as in we say recess time that time your customary counts often increases then compared to  early morning or late night or according to what u serve on what time, HENCE its really very much important for the maintenance as well as cleanliness in and outside your food truck  in order to  attract a lot more crowd.
  • Make good relationships with your customers is yet very important but often may be neglected in India as sometimes in order to serve your order so true and fast the food truck staff may or may not include
     good communications between them and their customers that can be drastically bad thus. For good and repeated customary demands with GOOD FOOD,  talk to your customers with GOOD MOOD.
  •   Try specializing in one or two dishes so that you can be know as Their KINGS OR     QUEENS of that Particular dish or dishes in the locality around in initial stages and then you can think of growing your franchise too.
                                                                                                                                                                 Hope so that these tips would surely workout if you have determined mindset to open your very own food truck that to In India.                                                                                                                    Here are some dishes Idea that you can serve your customers according to Indian taste buds which always craves for something meaningful and tasty .                                                                          
  1. Sesame fried cakes with Dollop of Vanilla ice cream and swirls of chocolate sauce  !! You can even toss them In Homemade caramel sauce 
  2. Paneer ( cottage cheese ) Tacos with Indian spices hinted Coleslaw                                                            
  3. Poutine ( French Fries topped with Gravy and cheese Curds ) with Indian Butter Chicken Gravy and Cheese Curds 
  4. French Crepes with Sri Lankan Sambhal Mixed Potatoes 
                                                  French Crepes                                                                                                                                
           Redang Curry Based Sri Lankan Sambhal 
So Hope you Try onto these dishes and Give a Thought Of opening Your very own food truck soon ;) 
Thank You 
Next Blog Next Month. Till Then stay Tuned 

Thursday 14 April 2016

About The Writer - Ritika Singh

Hi !! Since I started Writing blogs many Requested me to come up with My Foodie Identity
Well VOILA Then here I am RITIKA SINGH  a Chef aspirant and a die Foodie and Fan Of Chef Vikas Khanna ( 6 times Michelin star chef and among st Top Influential Chef In The world From India , More about Him In My First Blog CHECK OUT  )
                                                           THIS IS ME 
I am a Student and Have been a Radio Jockey Too. I have been to Indian State level debating Championship and My Poem was Published on National Level. A Young Enthusiast shouldn't be My bio but a a Young amateur Chef would be . I Dream To work in The big apple as in  New York and Open My Own restaurant defining Indian Culture and Food From It's roots. I write Blog To share my views with equally loving world of foodies as my Close friends.

  I and Chef Vikas Khanna  share a Cute bond. I am own To Make him Proud one day and hence he would inspire me lifetime and remain my Superman Forever .
That Was a Little from My Life that I shared with You Guys. Stay tuned always to grow up this bond more and more.
COMING UP Next- WHY India should take inspiration From United States In Case of Food Trucks . 

Next Week-Food trucks Special

 WHY India is Ideal For Food Truck Culture Just Like United States ? 

World is going Crazy for food and in this case Food trucks Offer Much More pretty Treats than a Fancy Michelin star Restaurant In loose week Days. Not That i am saying These Restaurants are bad But They may be heavy on pockets on Regular Basis. More On Why India has To take inspiration From United States in this case Of Foodies COMING UP. Stay Tuned :) 
                                          ( Image source - Google Images

Eat Right Spend your Summers Bright

Summers is a good excuse For all Of Us To Treat Our sweet Teeth Hahaha Indeed No Matter But From Oldies to New Young Goldies everyone go craving  for Sweet Cold Cakes , smoothies and King Of all ICE- Creams . In This Case talks too starts In The town that How to be healthy without starving for Goods. SO Here I share Some tips and recipes which You can use To Stay Cool Foodie and also hydrated and Fit well These Summers.

  1.  Replace your aerated sweetened drinks with Virgin Mojito !! It Includes Lime helping To Cut down Our fat most and also Keeps your taste buds cool and happy with Natural Tang , Mint Leaves again Helps To Purify Your Blood , Keeps You Cool & avoids Summer Burns and rashes and Gives a Nice liquor- Ish Flavor !! Mix Little castor sugar and Soda to Brighten your Drink and heighten Your Mood.                                                                                                                                                   
    (Image source - Google images
  2. Cakes and Ice creams are always special attraction in summers , Try avoiding Dense Cakes and replace then with Tarts with Fruit feelings and a Dollop Of Cream Or Vanilla Flavored Ice cream. Make sure that the Fruit\s You choose To place into Ur tart\s mold\s should be naturally Sweet DONT USE tinned fruits .        
            ( Image source - Exclusively Foodie's Stop Blogspot with Collaboration with Nikita James An amateur Pattessire Chef )
  3. For main Courses Or Dinner Or Lunch Option Try Hands On Cold Chicken and Pasta Salad with some Cream and Penne Pasta. Also You Can Try Indian Curd Rice , or You can Try British Cucumber Sandwiches. There's a Wide range of Light and tasty Snacking and meal Options.                                                                                                                                                                                  
    ( Image source - Google ) Try adding Some Fun elements such as Nuts and  Fruits To Your Chicken and Pasta Salad Don't Forget Lettuce Or Arugula Leaves .                                                            
                            ( Image source - Google ) Don't Forget To Temper Them This Yogurt and boiled rice cold mix with Some oil and Mustard seeds. Try Garnishing It well to Make it Look More appetizing For Your Eyes Treat Too ;)                                                                                                                                                           
  4. ( Image Source - Google Images ) Ideal For Both Breakfast and lunch . You Can enjoy Your Morning Tea and Coffee with them ecstatically                                                                                   Enjoy You summers and Stay Fit and Foodie always.                                                                     This is the Last Blog of The Week See you Guys later with Yet another Foodie-licious Blog Till Then Good Bye !! Love you 

Coming Up ( Summer Special )

This Summer Choose right Eat Good and Shine bright 

                                            ( Image sources - Google images
Summer is at It's peak ..... Try some of my tips to remain Healthy and trending foodie of The town 
                                              Coming Up Next 

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Food Unites Us

                                                     (Image source - Google images )

As a Indian I always Have this feeling That It's the food we cook which is more into making up our bonds more stronger these days. As Mentioned before in one of my blog today's man crave for well cooked or as in Slow, juicy, wholesome and well cooked Meals. In This case whenever Time we people never hesitate to have Long Brunches , spicy Dinners and drinks and thus it becomes a Reason For us all To forget all our issues ,  our tensions and UNITE merrily.

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FOOD Not Only Gives Home Makers a Chance to Present Their Home making  Talents  In the food they present and the way They set and decorate house and table but also helps them to step out from they daily world they live in Just Cooking For needs with No appreciation at all , they get to talk and Cherish people and impressing desires. After all Unity stands for all.

                                                           ( Image source - Google Images)
Food makes Us feel the feeling Of oneness it brings us More closer , for what we eat can be other's favorite too. 
Here are some recipes that you can cook apart from normal routine menu for such beautiful and hearty meetings and meals 
  1. BRIYANI is always Ideal dishes for and in every Indian Home for treating both both taste Buds and your guests Like kings and queens BUT  for a Change Much Like Briyani TRY making JAMAICAN JAMBALYA .                                                                                                                          
    Cajun Style Jambalaya . Perfect Rice dish with mix of Cajun spices that can be beautifully substituted with Indian spices ( Garam Masala ) and Paprika  also Includes a Versatile mix of all sought of Sea food and meats ( For Indian Taste can also Include chicken , Please avoid use of mutton as it takes a lot Time to cook) 
  2. RAJMA ( red Beans preparation)  RICE is also ideal dish which every Indian bud craves For but For something New and for a Change  try BRAZILIAN FEJOIDA Preparation .                                  

       Black Red Bean preparation with sausages and other meats generally cooked for 2 hours with tomato paste and whole spices Life Bay leaf and black pepper and then tempered with oil , garlic and ginger . Served with White rice , orange slices , Chinese broccoli and Dusted with a Cassava Based preparation  Called Farofa. ( Brazil's National Dish)
  3. For snacking Try something new Not Like samosas , Manchurian etc etc.  Try steamed Mantu's Or dumplings from Pakistan region . A Perfect Light Dish Served with Chana dal preparation , yogurt and dried Mint Powder on Top.                                                                                                                  
    Spiced Meat ( Red Meat ) Or Vegetables stuffed In Wonton Wrappers and Then steamed for 15 minutes. Once done it's topped with Chana dal curry and yogurt with Sprinkle Of dried Mint Powder.
  4.  There is a Wide range of Desserts In whole world some are very Much Related To what we eat In India Like the Kulfi Falooda we eat here is Something That is Served in Persia Too , the kheer we make is very Much similar To what Mexicans prepare as rice pudding . And Much  More But For a Change try Chinese Mango Pudding . Really Easy and DAMM Healthy For      it's steaming Reason .                                                                                                                    
              Really easy recipe and all you need is 5 ingredients Mango Pulp . sugar , water , gelatin and Mango Ice cream . In This sugar is boiled in water along with gelatin till not dissolved and then As soon as Its Done In this Hot mix mango Ice-cream in poured and stir-ed Well thereafter Put some ice cubes and Mango Pulp pieces and let It freeze in cups for 30 Minutes and VOILA !! enjoy                                                                                                                                                                       Food Unites us :)  For a Change try them all and call up a Party Tonight ..... ;) Thanks                                                                                                                                                      Ritika Singh 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Coming Up

                                    Next Blog Coming Up 

How Food Unites ! ! That Foodie Feeling In us all 

( Image source - Google images
By That time check Out My all new Foodie emojis !! For One such Comment Below and follow
 ( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot

( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot ) 

( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot ) 

( Copyright- Foodie's stop Blog spot ) 

For One such Comment Below and follow for you and and your Loved Ones :) 
Thank You 

Making Influence on social sites with your creations

For a Chef aspirant it's really important That his or Her Food should not only be tasty but should also be appealing.
His Or Her Food stuffs should  literally speak Up with his or her presentation .
Many do it for self satisfaction, some do it for making their families happy and impressed but most do it For attracting round full Globe of Foodies through social media so that any How we get Opportunities even bigger to express and to fulfill our Dreams.
Even i created something Last night , Though the click May not be that attractive but You Got To try Every a Bit of Yours to present It well .
Indian Curry Pulao (rice) with Hint Of Garam Masala ( Hot Spice blend) with Cucumber , Lemon Green Chilies and Tomatoes salad 
( Image source - Exclusively Foodie's stop
For every a Bit here are some tips To start  
  1. Make sure That You Have good knowledge of whatever you are Cooking Because Blindly Copying The recipe written on The recipe book Can never help You Nor It Will ever Gain Interest of your Viewers as The same they can even surf From This vast world of Internet . Hence be true to you yourself and then your Viewers and make sure you surf Lot and Understand what each of your Ingredients in your dish says and what is its importance in your dish mix , so that people can very Much Know what They see is good  besides taste also. ( Image source - Google Images
  2. After You Know what You are Going To Cook make sure you choose the freshest produce and A1 quality Products and ingredients for you dish and if possible take help Of Micro Greens and other natural produces because the best garnish is made with Natural products which enhances the beauty of your dish Naturally. And we all  Know there is nothing Better than being Natural and genuine most things, Products and Produces  ;'). Make sure whatever you are making is not just For The sake of posting it online with mere help of editing but To Genuinely appeal Your audiences with something Good . REMEMBER - food speaks it all from its taste to its colors.

( Image source - Google images
3.  Haste is waste is an Old saying But best applied on you in Your kitchens while cooking. remember  The most mankind misses Today is slow cooked juicy , delicious food in this speedy life . Hence what's Important is you dedicating your time and energy to what you cook because that would not only help you with on going with perfect taste but will also enhance the colors of your dish thus making your presentation even more better and attracting lot more crowd on social networking sites for your posts .
4. Once cooked you got to have proper side appetizers or dishes whose taste is imaginable with the dish you are serving it with  and it  should seem perfect accompany to it . Also You Got To choose proper Plates and cutlery with contrasting colors with respect to your dish. Black Slates In This case works beautifully  with all sought.

( Image source - Google images

5. Last but Not The least The description  is apt most for it's related to How much you dedicated your  time to know what you made and How good it is . Its all up-to you how you describe it  

( Image source - Google images
If You Follow these 5 Tips with Good Clicking Skills and camera I bet You are The next star and Good Luck To you !!
Thank you