Thursday 18 May 2017

My weight loss was a game I hardly understood yet now I am it's strongest player.

AS a writer of this blog, certain times there happens to be a situation wherein I am confused what should I be offering to my readers so that it continues to inspire them and make love with food. There are times when I am pretty confident about my topic chosen but for the times I am not, I prefer speaking own experiences for they can be well rehearsed and well quoted then.
I had been asthmatic for a long time and that because of it there use to happen certain restraints in my physical activities, like it was dreadful to me running, I even use to be scared of climbing mountains and staircase. In everyone's life, there are times when you are totally into figure and then there happens a time when you totally hate your body. Now to bring in the connectivity of my asthmatic situation and figure, I want to tell you that since I had least physical activities in my schedule and that I was more obsessed in exercising the eating exercise, with each passing day or year to be precise I grew fatter. Not that I Say that in today's day I am the fittest but because I choose to uplift my dull meaningless life towards a healthy goal, yes! I can proudly say that yes am active and fit n my own self with regular exercising and proper diet on my everyday lists.
So let's see what I did so far.
It started with
1.NO WORKS ALL CRY                                                                                                                
Believe me when we start or if we are thinking to start our regime there are times or one big thunder bolting situation when we all are all bewildered whether to do it or not. Our goals are those hourglass figures but our minds are more into the losses we may face or the pain or the extra efforts we may have to put than those who are already into a figure yet exercising. IN this situation don't look for sympathy around nor think about the hard work start it slow and increasing the pace with each day will help you to be stable then. Remember only you can help yourself other will just shut the fuck up by making fun of your weight. 

Once you are daily in your exercise (though it will just be ONLY 2 days for others) you are already missing your bae FOOD. What to do then????????????? It's the biggest question. fuck!! When you google it, they say use distractions, chew veggies BLAH BLAH BLA!! but Nah!! It doesn't work. Keep Calm you ain't contesting for Miss Universe the very next day, Have your treats in the limited most portion and continue decreasing the portions for your next craves. Am sure even an inch loss will automatically inspire you to eat right. 

3.Am a fatter than her or him?- HERE STARTS THE COMPARISON GAME.
There's no remedy to this. It economics this is well defined as DEMONSTRATION EFFECT, wherein you get attracted to what others have and compare each aspect your life to get one. This is well defined human psychology. For those who will learn to fight back this thinking will succeed, else will die comparing and will achieve nothing. COMPARE TILL A HEALTHY EXTENT. 

4.THINK POSITIVE- it's not just a lame though to be written on your whiteboard, this SHIT!! is real and scientific. 
When I realized that I was losing weight,I literally felt good even though every second I was the same weight as that I saw on my scale but with each passing second as I walked, ate right and did all the stuff to make my body lighter, I realized I was losing weight(even though it's not possible with each second :D) But you see positive thinking will not only help you to stay motivated but will keep you on the right track. And trust me you I realized it late after I shed some pounds, But if you start doing it from the very first day of your planned regime, you will get faster results for both your conscious and subconscious minds will adhere to it and secrete chemicals that will help you to lose weight faster.
_ Good Luck to both me and you(even I am not in a perfect shape till now) LOL!