Monday 26 September 2016

When Foodies fell in love.

This is a story of Rahul and Kavita. Two Indians who equally love their culture and adore its diversity and the most they adore it's diversity in food cuisines.
 Both were totally unknown to each other but it was then fate and food that brought them together.
  Kavita worked as a sous Chef in hotel Giant View and dreamt big, for one day she wanted to host her very own food travel show. She believed in the fact that in this industry you got to make networks that were good and helpful , hence she kept herself a lot involved in social food events and made new friends and connections thereafter.

Kavita's birthday was round the corner and she was very excited for it though before that she had to attend a Food event launched in banquet hall just 2 days before her birthday and that was on 26th of December.
                       That day on 26th she set her hair and with minimal make up applied she looked like a princess that day. She sees nothing beyond food not even how beautiful she getting with each passing day. After reaching the hall the first thing she saw was that hall was full and there was no seat left for her to sit nor she could she the Chefs invited there. There she saw Rahul who very calmly stood and offered her sit and a biscuit from the packet he held, though Kavita refused those offers but she was touched by his this attitude. Rahul Was a Charming boy with all qualities that a girl desires in man to be but just that his attitude over his good charms brought down his image. By the way Rahul was a Chef too.
 Kavita Was too annoyed seeing Rahul constantly cracking jokes on the fact that the invited chef guests wasn't able to speak English as fluent as anyone else can. He was as sour as Kaffir Lime to her then but then she didnt understand that same kaffir lime will then be like a sweet pudding to her.
                                             Rahul and Kavita met again after 2 months though. It was a pleasant meet again but Kavita couldn't refuse to accept that, that now she had feelings for Rahul for he was a perfect guy for her but his attitude ahh...
Rahul was a rich man's son, he invited Kavita to flaunt his skills though, that day bought sat together at Rahul's home to make tarts in which Rahul had an expertise. Though to test Kavita and to make her fun then he purposely felt of making especially tarts that day. Kavita as mentioned before was a food enthusiast , it was then when Rahul got surprised of how good were the tarts of Kavita. Even he felt how wrong he was of not respecting other chefs of his category and even higher and how wrong he was in insulting him.
                                 That Day He realized the power of food is not defined anywhere for it is attained by individuals in different way , one should respect all of others ideas and trying improving his or her creations each day.  He proposed Kavita with a Cheesecake and asked her to blend in the way as soft creamy layer of cream cheese blends with hard crispy layer of biscuit though.

Hence Food taught them all. Thank You. 

When Foodies fell in love.

This is a story of Rahul and Kavita. Two Indians who equally love their culture and adore its diversity and the most they adore it's diversity in food cuisines.
 Both were totally unknown to each other but it was then fate and food that brought them together.
  Kavita worked as a sous Chef in hotel Giant View and dreamt big, for one day she wanted to host her very own food travel show. She believed in the fact that in this industry you got to make networks that were good and helpful , hence she kept herself a lot involved in social food events and made new friends and connections thereafter.

Kavita's birthday was round the corner and she was very excited for it though before that she had to attend a Food event launched in banquet hall just 2 days before her birthday and that was on 26th of December.
                       That day on 26th she set her hair and with minimal make up applied she looked like a princess that day. She sees nothing beyond food not even how beautiful she getting with each passing day. After reaching the hall the first thing she saw was that hall was full and there was no seat left for her to sit nor she could she the Chefs invited there. There she saw Rahul who very calmly stood and offered her sit and a biscuit from the packet he held, though Kavita refused those offers but she was touched by his this attitude. Rahul Was a Charming boy with all qualities that a girl desires in man to be but just that his attitude over his good charms brought down his image. By the way Rahul was a Chef too.
 Kavita Was too annoyed seeing Rahul constantly cracking jokes on the fact that the invited chef guests wasn't able to speak English as fluent as anyone else can. He was as sour as Kaffir Lime to her then but then she didnt understand that same kaffir lime will then be like a sweet pudding to her.
                                             Rahul and Kavita met again after 2 months though. It was a pleasant meet again but Kavita couldn't refuse to accept that, that now she had feelings for Rahul for he was a perfect guy for her but his attitude ahh...
Rahul was a rich man's son, he invited Kavita to flaunt his skills though, that day bought sat together at Rahul's home to make tarts in which Rahul had an expertise. Though to test Kavita and to make her fun then he purposely felt of making especially tarts that day. Kavita as mentioned before was a food enthusiast , it was then when Rahul got surprised of how good were the tarts of Kavita. Even he felt how wrong he was of not respecting other chefs of his category and even higher and how wrong he was in insulting him.
                                 That Day He realized the power of food is not defined anywhere for it is attained by individuals in different way , one should respect all of others ideas and trying improving his or her creations each day.  He proposed Kavita with a Cheesecake and asked her to blend in the way as soft creamy layer of cream cheese blends with hard crispy layer of biscuit though.

Hence Food taught them all. Thank You. 

Monday 22 August 2016

Food Media- Something New but required the most.

In The world there are several factors that influence the economy. For I am an Economics students if just someone simply ask me that What affects the Market than I would definitely say that it Must be SCARCITY of every resource among st the consumers and the feel that the resources have alternate uses is what the MARKET STATUS depends on.

Demand is that, that world needs a change with every second in what they consume,in what they wear and in what they want in&such cases even the world of food is not left behind. People are now demanding to have something new and to experience the making and Goodness of That SOMETHING NEW that they want.
World knows it and as you and me can also judge today it's Fashion,Media and Food that is influencing people beyond heights.
 So Basically We need something Like Food Media for our Ideas to influence this spark generated all around.

Now one may have no idea about what this actually means or what really we are expecting in future about the same but today our Blog will reveal for what this actually mean  and how it can create fire all around grabbing worldwide interest.

 The Idea is simple, its about Different levels and its corresponding in it working together in the field. Lets say the World of Food Photography which can be spread wide as a general study in schools then as a major professional want in the society thereafter.
 I believe that food photography industry carries utmost importance for it can play the role as majors for other flourishing Food and production related industries.
I Mean if you ask me I actually get excited about to cook and to click once I see something sumptuous looking may be online.
Trust me it will give birth to great Chefs in our era  for their passion will then not be hidden somewhere behind their laptops thinking of swanky Friday night dinners.

After photography comes the world of Food interpretation. Now I know that may sound bit weird but as a Chef or as daily Home cook this sounds the most exciting and appraisal full deed to be done when you actually describe your dish in a comprehensive manner relating it to something extra ordinary say Music that could never be ever thought by your guests even. Trust me only Professional can do this for you need a good command in both your language and gestures. And Who Says good speakers are politicians or professors. ;)

Open Food Debates. Food Debates often happen to be in the main Kitchens where the Chef de Cuisine and others may debate about what changes should be done in the menu and their dishes so as to impress their diners more. But What if this happens to be something more interactive and professionalized where Chefs along with other food enthusiasts sit openly at an esteemed place for the very fact of improvement and renewal of good old recipes and a place where there Press sits to question all the decisions taken and to make the whole thing go good crazy. It's actually Fun. 

Last But not the least more of Food shows with no repeat telecast coz what we want is keep exploring because this world ain't small.

Hope you enjoyed learning how food can influence your ideas and media someday. If you have more points in mind. Mail me at:-
Till Then Keep reading and eating.
***** All The images here are taken from Google Images******
For any inconvenience regarding the images or the articles mail us at the aforesaid link.  

Saturday 6 August 2016

Friendship makes food even better.

Eating meals alone and then eating them with someone you love makes a Great difference, that to when you eat it with with friends the feeling is both amazing and lethargic for first you feel special and noticed while eating with them and secondly lethargic because they don't leave any chance of you tasting your own tiffin even. It's an amazing feeling though because that bond just deepens with every gulp and flavor of the food you bring in your tiffin.

We may not ever be able to describe this joyous bond forever for it's meaning is much more than what may you read on Google or their dictionaries, but yes surely to strengthen this we may tell you various foodie tips and ways to make your recess time even more fun with your mates.
 Let's first know some tasty meals you can carry with you in boxes to eat with your mates ands cherish each moment.
  1. Honestly my mom is a pro in making French Croquettes it's as simple as a Parsi Cutlet may be but the crusting method differs it from all. It's ideal for you to carry in tiffin boxes with Some mustard sauce and ketchup may be and enjoy them with your buddies. 
  2. Thai Thai Nam tok is an easing meat stir fry spiced with red chilly paste and with a hint of roasted rice powder adding to it's texture and giving it a whole new dimension. You can stuff it in your sandwiches or simply role it in a Taco and then you are good to go. 
  3. Fried Chicken and Fries , something you'll not even left with a bit of it in your tiffin is ideal to celebrate this day for it's all time favorite. Though Vegetarians can substitute chicken with cheese sticks or tofu may be. 
  4. Mexican Fritatta. This egg based recipe is Ideal for Mom's who search for healthy yet tasty tiffin alternative. Stuff any crumble or veggie or anything you want and it will be star of the show oh.. I mean Tiffin ;) 

Thursday 14 July 2016

An open letter to all the Chef.- By Chef Chris Hill

Chris Hill is a chef, television personality and writer who has appeared on stage at TED and written for a number of high profile publications. 
Hill also runs My Bachelor Kitchen - an online portal designed to encourage people to fall in love with cooking. 

The letter is addressed to all those people pursuing a passion and career in the kitchen and is packed with sound knowledge and advice. 
If you are a chef, want to be a chef, know a chef or just like the idea of chefs - this is a letter you should read. 
They won’t understand you. They won’t.I know this, because I used to be on their side, stuck in a dead end office, working a shitty job, making decent pay. My family and friends were convinced I’d lost my mind when I gleefully leaped into the unknown abyss of cooking. I suppose they thought it was a phase I’d soon grow out of. Could this be you? Maybe finishing high school and are contemplating a life in the kitchen, or are already in culinary school. Maybe its not you, but rather someone close to you. Whatever the circumstances, if you’ve gotten this far, I implore you to keep reading.
Chefs are a rare, often misunderstood breed and if you’re amongst thenaysayers, I don’t blame you, I really don’t, however if the smallest piece of you is debating a life in the kitchen, or have already taken that plunge finding yourself needing reassurance, you might find that here. There’s also ample evidence to scare you away, there is plenty of that here. It just depends on the way your mind works.
Most will never know what it’s like to make a living as a professional cook or chef, and that makes me smile. It’s something of which I am arrogantly proud. No, not because I think we’re better than anyone, but because of the fact that to be a really good cook or chef it takes tremendous physical, mental and emotional fortitude. Most people don’t have, nor appreciate the gifts we’ve been given, and this often includes our front of the house counterparts.
Seven days a week, we show up willing to get our asses kicked. We sign up for this in exchange for an opportunity to express ourselves through food. There’s no such thing as weekends or holidays. We might get a random Tuesday off, and if we’ve put in the proper dues and happen to be in cahoots with the chef, we just might have the good fortune of being exonerated from working thedreaded Sunday Morning brunch shift. No one wants to work Sunday morning. We work longer days than just about anyone. Days start early and end late, typically when the rest of the western world is changing into their PJs, brushing their teeth and hopping into bed. The length, isn’t the hard part though, its the depth. Fifteen hours on your feet is grueling enough to scare away some fence-straddlers, but on top of that, consider the kitchen atmosphere where everything is either excruciatingly hot or sharp as hell. Cooks scurry around cussing, the printer spewing out tickets as fast as it can, and for hours every inch of one’s body is physically tested. Emotions are tested, and sometimes you will fail that test. You’ll break into frustration mid-shift, relying on a teammate to help pull you through. Your mental strength will be tested — misreading tickets, overcooking steaks, under cooking pasta, or completely blanking the fuck out on any number of things, once again having to rely on a teammate to pull you through.You’ll do the same for him — it’s how we survive. Close call finger-nicks and tears shed while chopping onions don’t phase us, not even secondarily. Screaming hot 50 pound pots of salted water simmer away, not boiling fast enough most of the time. When the potatoes or pasta are ready to come out, chances are a dry towel is nowhere to be found, and lacking time to search, we somehow make do, most likely further searing the callouses up and down our already damaged hands. Pain is an after thought, it doesn’t phase us. It can’t, or the whole ship sinks. We owe it to the warriors next to us to keep going. There will also be a point mid-shift, when you’ll have to make a dash to the dry storage pantry, or the walk-in cooler. Darting across the obstacle course of the kitchen typically includes maintaining one’s sense of balance while leaping across oil-slicked tile, dodging pans flying in the vicinity of the dish pit, and having to weave in and out of fellow line cooks, then back into our place on the line. This is all to be done without dropping your supplies, or worse, disrupting the rhythm of the team. Disrupt the rhythm, and we all go down with you. This takes serious skills. To create the rhythm necessary for success on the kitchen line takes hours and sometimes years working together as a unit, in the trenches,slugging it out, together. Next to the military in full fledged combat, a group of guys and gals in the kitchen know teamwork better than anyone.
Let’s say you made it to the end of the service. By now several hours have elapsed since the first tickets came chirping through the printer, and the apron draped around your neck now resembles something your dog might have chewed to hell after having splashed through the mud. You are filthy, but pots are done flying across the kitchen, flames from the burners are dulled to mere pilot lights and for the first time all night, you have a minute to breathe. A Red Bull sounds pretty good right about now, or traditionally, a cigarette in the cool fresh air outside of the kitchen hits the spot for most chefs. The burns on your hand have probably blistered already, and now that you actually have a minute, the pain hits you. The slightest of breaks and its back to business identifying prep needs for the following day. It’s the easy part of the night, coasting home, after a dozen hours afoot. Now, the challenge is powering through when your mind is occupied with fantasies of beers, shots, the dive bar across the street and the pretty new waitress whose name you’ve already forgotten.
If there is one thing I’ve learned as a chef, it is that we are always learning to adapt —rolling with the punches. We put ourselves out there as artists and creators. Its a beautiful thing to have the opportunity to express ourselves through the creation of food, and the food we craft should be an expression of who we are. What we create is just as much of how the world has shaped us, as it is us shaping the way we see the world through our food. Unfortunately, most diners don’t connect with our perspective. They want their food, their way, and it pisses us the hell off. Chances are, if you aren’t a chef, this has been you, and we have undoubtedly bitched about you to our fellow cooks. If you’ve ever put your work out into the world, you know how much it stings to have your work not appreciated as you intended. This is what keeps us up at night asking ourselves how could I do it better, and what should I have done differently? It eats at us if we let it.
Chances are your family, friends and virtually anyone close to you will be unsuccessful in understanding the life you have chosen for yourself, but maybe this letter helps, just a bit. If so, they might understand why your mind is racing at 2AM after a 400 cover Friday night, and why you can’t celebrate Mother’s Day brunch with the fam. Perhaps now they might understand why every square inch of your body hurts most of the time, and how there really are no sick days in restaurants. They might understand why we settle for grossly underpaid wages, and hopefully they can read between the lines, and figure out why we bitch about customers upon getting off of work. They might understand how the stress from our jobs might lead us to have a few cocktails, which might be followed with a few bad decisions. Above all, if nothing else, maybe they will see that we can’t imagine our lives any other way.
I’ll take a hand full of burn blisters, some achy knees and the hankering for a cocktail at the end of the night, over ever having to sit at another desk miserably debating whether or not to shove needles through my eye balls. Living this life means we get to be creative. It means we get to showcase our skills in the heat of battle, feeling the adrenaline rush of sloshing through the trenches with guys to our left and right. These are guys we’re lucky to call teammates. It means we get to be creative and stand proud for something we believe in. We get to sleep with a certain piece of mind and awaken the following morning hungry for more. Even if it means suiting up for brunch every now again, we get to make a difference in the lives of people around us, in the best way we know how. We get to make them happy, and we get to through food.
Promise me this:
Show up every day looking to make the most of it. Learn from the best, seek to be the best, and once you are on your way, teach others to be the best. This life won’t be easy. It will be damn hard, but it will be worth it, and in the end you will have lived a life of which you are proud, one that’s yours, and in doing so, you get to make the world taste a bit better in the process.
Cook Your Ass Off”

 Our Blog takes no credit for this letter and aforesaid values expressed for this holy profession. Be inspired.

Friday 8 July 2016

Fantastic Future for Foodies

③Fantastic Future for Foodies

When we overall talk about the most flourishing industries in the world, there may come different answers according to:-
1.       Nationality
2.       Economic conditions
3.       Maximum yield or production of and in a particular place.
4.       Common integral Feeling.
But when it comes to the topic of food, at least half of the world’s population including some great economists would agree the fact that Food industry leads, for it not only now inspires many great Minds but is also now giving different opportunities for the one who practice cooking and its related deals.
 Food Today may not be just taken as an art to satisfy basic needs but it now includes a lot much scientific facts which make this new subject even more fun for learning purposes.
 Teaching as well as practice institute& centers today stand as one of the supreme factors in increasing GDP rates of some top known countries including India.
When you briefly go with the economics and civics of a country say India you’ll realize how this culinary industry have affected places and sectors vastly. Primary to tertiary sectors, all are tremendously growing with a good rate each day with every day’s scarcity for something new and different taste and base leading to a better fulfillment of consumer demands.

As Foodies and cooking aspirants our contribution in the industry will be same as Sunlight’s contribution in the process of photosynthesis (in easy words if I Say).
There may come different Challenges for both girls and boys with respect to any factor but
Chefs Like Daniella-Soto-Innes and Vikas Khanna Have said that if you are obsessed no power can stop you.
Being Ultimate foodie is not the devil inside us who is always craving for treats but being foodie is much more a feeling of pride for it’s a good tag for your obsession to do something  tremendous and fabulous for this Culinary industry.
Keep Trying and Keep working and I bet we’ll soon meet buddy with chef coats on us and pride of Michelin stars as our crown on head.

Thursday 7 July 2016

5 Sarcastic Foodie quotes - Bet You'll love them all

Beat the one who pulls you down, have a chocolate my buddy and you'll  forget to frown. 

Had a breakup? Look there's is someone more special out there with pizza in his hands. WAKE UP
                        Best are the people who love to eat. I like Bacon so much in meat.
It's much more beautiful than the my future Boyfriend dreams. Yes you guessed it right it's a chocolate Ice-cream.

                                            She never cries instead she prefer Fries.

Tuesday 5 July 2016


There's a lot hustle and bustle today am sure in the Muslim Families today. A lot excitement about the celebration and the best FOOD.
When we talk Eid in general in terms of food the first dish that strikes our mind is Briyani and then followed by kebabs.
Here are some Rare Eid recipes that you can add to your feast menu today.
Try making Falaffels and with an innovative approach try serving them with tomato based gravy a steamed rice or briyani.

Nothing can substitute the sweetness of dates in the festival but for something new for your family and friends to cherish  try hands on Persian Yazdi Cakes. With sweetness loaded with textures from nuts like pistachios,almonds and all.
And once again Eid-Mubarak

Monday 4 July 2016

New Blog - Launch

We are Proud to announce that Foodie's stop author has now started  Started writing a True love Stories based blog.
And It's already on
(Link Given Below)

Keep Reading
And Feel loved and Foodie :) 

Sunday 3 July 2016

Foodie Parties. Ft. Era isterfi,Rihanna,SWAAY and many.

Okay I Know it's been like too late of even late of me writing my this Blog. But The foodie world outside had so much for me that I couldn't restrain that magnetic effect of beautiful aromas and flavors down different and beautiful lanes.
Last Topic that was updated was basically the major differences between major cuisines but what I feel is that  uniqueness is the cuisine is worth exploration than simply typing it down. So For sure this wish of mine would be prime on my list and I wish that my life schedule gets this one fulfilled soon.
So Basically Today we'll be talking about PARTIES that ain't sound real but totally fanatic and A Foodie's love sought.
Well before I Start what does strike your mind with the word PARTY

OFF COURSE  For 99.9% people the answer for this would be MUSIC.DANCE.FOOD
And for a foodie like if Dance is stroked off  it may not matter much but Food is must.
So for the  Foodies round the world like me introducing the Idea behind the Best Foodie Party which Says
FUSIC  where food is Music and music is food.
So Basically the title may not suggest even a bit of what it actually means. But it's actually Fun When in this party you'll be playing a particular Music and ask your friends to dance on the music until they don't guess the name of the dish with the hint from the music,that's going to served next.
For Example
You Play a Song, say
 1.Bonbon By Era Isterfi ( Link given below )
Which has a lot Bonbon in it which basically suggests the the basic bonbon flavored coffee.  Hence this Party yet rocking and trending music will keep up to your foodie charm in your FUSIC party.

2. Next may sound really simple but the crazy task would be to identify what flavor cake it was. I know By now many of you would have guessed the name of the song but yes who haven't yet for them, YES !! It's Cake by the ocean - By SWAAY  ( Link Given Below )
Now the party just won't be about audio guessing but for real fanatics it will be fun if it's visual guessing  too. In this music Video if you look carefully the cake is strawberry cum vanilla flavored. So VOILA more to the guessing part and double is the fun , for till the time one doesn't guess the music and the party won't get over ;) .

3. Third will be DAMM!! Tricky For it's all about visuals and not even about the audio, lyrics or anything else that makes up a good music. WELL.
 It's WORK - By Rihanna Ft. Drake. ( Link Given Below )
WOHHH.... Confused right?? But If you see the video carefully it has twice shown a lady chef making juicy steak on smoking charcoal.
Don't agree then watch it here-
(See From 2:00)
And Here are the smoking stake Visuals from the same

                 The Lady Chef 

Smoking Charcoal
& At Last the Steak.
Hahahahah Bewildered right ?? But these may be small details for many but for my foodie friends out there I Know it would have been not gone unnoticed.
4. Last But Not the least and may be hardest in on the blockbuster Charts Currently 
Justin Timberlake's- Can't stop the feeling
Hahahah Now if you remember the music video had some of the most Gala faces in it but there was one who would had attracted every foodie for a sought. HMMM.... Guess Guess.
Well This was the man who was in Video Named GALEN who seemed working for Handy's Doughnut and that's so YUMMY ;)  Making Delicious Roundels for life.


 So isn't that ridiculously cunning from a Foodie's side and sight. If Yes !! Then will love to know your idea behind our FUSIC parties-  where music is food and food is music.
If You Like the Idea and the matter please do let us know and comment below for more. Till then Keep safe and keep Partying and eating 
Regards and love. 

Friday 29 April 2016

Major Differences in Major Cuisines ( Part II )

                                 AMERICAN  AND   BRITISH 

Now this is not about the monopoly between these two cuisines about which is  more healthier or more oilier and all that stuffs which makes us feel pretty much like a guilt foodie bird but about the major Differences between these two cuisines so that next time you visit a British restaurant or a American restaurant you can very much differentiate  between dishes you have been served.

As per Our knowledge after the vast cultivation In the US  about  150,000-square-mile area, encompassing the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and neighboring sections of Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, there was little rainfall, light soil, and high winds which brought potentially destructive combination leading to devastating effects thereafter. When drought struck from 1934 to 1937, the soil lacked the stronger root system of grass as an anchor, so    was the birth of the great    American Dust Bowl. This piece of history tells us lot about  affected  american food and cuisine .  There were no greens left actually But today in Modern America We Too Got Lot many Of them but what we see more Dominance of Bread  way more than anything !! Wheat In Your Burgs , Corn Meal and breads is the best a cuisine has to offer. Moreover the lifestyle Of American people is way more different from those in Great Britain. People are super Busy and they Depend on basically on quick and easy available s STREET FOOD , Burgers, fries , Hot dogs  Muffins etc. That are always In Hot demand.

American Delights 

Great Britain has To offer a Large variety of Food !! Not because it's melting pot of cultures but yet again the mystery lies in it's HISTORY !! Popularly Known as Empire Food In the country is actually the blend of different cuisines of those countries which have been once been ruled by the very state !! Namely India and south Africa thus a lot people in Britain are fond of of Chicken tikka that is yet again an Indian Dish. Much influence of tinned beans,sausages and much more comes from their slave trade from South Africa History !! Here people posses royalty in each their move and even the tea culture here means a lot to stay calm and enjoy slow yet beautiful royal lives. People sit back waiting for slow cooked meats , gravies , potatoes etc.

 WE STILL LOVE BOTH !! Isn't it Guys !! 
End of Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coming Up next Difference between Spanish and Italian cuisine 
Till Then Take care and Stay Tuned 


Watch Out For our next Blog soon .... other day 

Thursday 28 April 2016

Official announcement


Credits : Foodie's stop Creative spot 
For more such Edits , Food photography tips email us at :

Next blog coming up in 5 hours the " Major difference between worldly Known cuisines " ( part 2 )
American and British Food

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Major Differences in Major Cuisines ( Part I )

·         Indian Food is generally about vegetables based gravies , stews and bread accompanies while Pakistani dishes are basically about Red Meats which can be seen in their major dishes such as Haleem , briyani , Kofta etc.


·         In some Indian dishes it’s really main to put coriander in end whereas Mint has no that special importance on daily basis. While in Pakistan dried mint constitutes its important  dishes


  •        Briyani is not an Indian dish , it’s believed to be brought by Mughals  in our country.                                    

·         Gajar ka Halwa is also not From India it’very Much from Pakistan basically The northern region which was attached to our modern day PUNJAB before partition  hence we can today very much relate it to that state of Punjab.

                                                             But both the states stand United forever 
                                                                               and ever 
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Of Part One
Coming Up next 
Differences in American and British Food 
Stay Tuned 

Difference between Major Cuisines

Worldwide there would be always a confusion in Major Cuisines like Italian and Spanish , Indian and Pakistani\ Afghani , Chinese and Japaneses , Malaysian and Thai , Indonesian etc.
So Hence let's bring up a Change in our perspective as we bring you all new view of these Major Cuisines.
P.S Biggest blog Perspective as we Bring to you whole new dimension to know of what you eat 
Coming Up Next Week !! Till Then keep reading 

Saturday 23 April 2016

WHY Food trucks are ideal for Indian culture and why Indians got to inspire from Unites states in this case ?

Are Dream of every food loving person who dreams food , sees food and always wants Food to remain his\her's best friend forever. Food Trucks may not have that fancy spot to serve from but they are surely Mankind's creative most creation, for it's not only Food on wheels but also creative hot spots for every WANNA Be Chef , home maker who ought to make something different and off course delicious food  . From their Interior to exterior designs every single food truck round the world posses a uniqueness and masterpiece sought art.
Eastern world is still not that influenced by the idea of food trucks may be because of various Misconceptions and stereotypes. Like:-                                                                                   
  1. Many people in these countries think that eating on roadside is something for those people who can't afford good food and costly food that is served in restaurants. Hence for them it's a sought of disgrace.
  2. Some people think that  what roadside food trucks has to offer is all dirty and low quality food without even seeing or trying them (insane).
 3.   In some communities and also religiously food trucks and eating roadside food cooked by someone else is forbidden.
                                 But Now since world is changing and there is a lot change in our thinking the idea of food trucks is striking many creative minds in our states too but the deal comes how to give it a kick start and make it wildly rocking all over. And well here comes the five key points why we should take inspiration from United States to bring on the food truck revolution here in India as well .  
  • It's always not about a group start. I recommend you to see Eat street daily telecast ed On Fox Life Channel where young entrepreneurs and many share their stories of how they started with their very own food truck and whether what inspired them to open one , also you will get the idea of to start  a business along with sumptuous deals

  • Choose those dishes which may not be that fancy but real comfort food and sumptuously loaded with such stuffs which every Foodie tongue ever Craves for . For eg, cheese, potatoes, ketchup etc.             
  •  Once done with The menu its very Much important especially In Countries like India that the maintenance of the food trucks should be on Daily HOUR basis not even day basis !! Why I  say this is because its hour to hour that your customers increase or decrease , like for eg. In      basically afternoon time round 1 pm when all offices and other organisations have their lunch or as in we say recess time that time your customary counts often increases then compared to  early morning or late night or according to what u serve on what time, HENCE its really very much important for the maintenance as well as cleanliness in and outside your food truck  in order to  attract a lot more crowd.
  • Make good relationships with your customers is yet very important but often may be neglected in India as sometimes in order to serve your order so true and fast the food truck staff may or may not include
     good communications between them and their customers that can be drastically bad thus. For good and repeated customary demands with GOOD FOOD,  talk to your customers with GOOD MOOD.
  •   Try specializing in one or two dishes so that you can be know as Their KINGS OR     QUEENS of that Particular dish or dishes in the locality around in initial stages and then you can think of growing your franchise too.
                                                                                                                                                                 Hope so that these tips would surely workout if you have determined mindset to open your very own food truck that to In India.                                                                                                                    Here are some dishes Idea that you can serve your customers according to Indian taste buds which always craves for something meaningful and tasty .                                                                          
  1. Sesame fried cakes with Dollop of Vanilla ice cream and swirls of chocolate sauce  !! You can even toss them In Homemade caramel sauce 
  2. Paneer ( cottage cheese ) Tacos with Indian spices hinted Coleslaw                                                            
  3. Poutine ( French Fries topped with Gravy and cheese Curds ) with Indian Butter Chicken Gravy and Cheese Curds 
  4. French Crepes with Sri Lankan Sambhal Mixed Potatoes 
                                                  French Crepes                                                                                                                                
           Redang Curry Based Sri Lankan Sambhal 
So Hope you Try onto these dishes and Give a Thought Of opening Your very own food truck soon ;) 
Thank You 
Next Blog Next Month. Till Then stay Tuned